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Monday 16 - Convection

09:30 - 09:45Welcome coffee
09:45 - 10:00Opening words, I. Baraffe
10:00 - 10:40Dimitar VlaykovMixing at convective boundaries in stars
10:40 - 11:20Friedrich KupkaThe Challenge of Numerical Simulations of Convection
11:20 - 11:40Coffee break
11:40 - 12:20Yanick RicardCompressible convection in the mantle of exoplanets
12:20 - 13:00Mickael BourgoinPreferential concentration of inertial particles in turbulent flows
13:00 - 14:20Lunch
14:20 - 15:00Rene GassmoellerNon-adiabatic boundary layers and complex phase transitions: The problem with reference states in Earth's convection
15:00 - 15:40Stéphane LabrosseScaling of internally heated compressible convection
15:40 - 16:10Coffee break
16:10 - 16:50Thierry AlboussièrePerspectives in compressible convection experiments
16:50 - 17:40Discussion, chair S. Labrosse
18:15 - 20:15Drinks and nibbles

Tuesday 17 - Double-diffusive convection

09:30 - 10:10Rémi Bourgeois (with Pascal Tremblin)Finite volume methods for compressible convection
10:10 - 10:50Adrien MorisonFully compressible numerical simulations of double-diffusive convection
10:50 - 11:20Coffee break
11:20 - 12:00Friedrich Kupka (with Florian Zaussinger)Compressible double-diffusion convection
12:00 - 12:40Ulrich HansenDouble diffusive convection in geological systems
12:40 - 14:10Lunch
14:10 - 14:50Céline GuervillyFingering convection in planetary cores
14:50 - 15:30Andreas TilgnerExperiments on double diffusive finger convection
15:30 - 16:00Coffee break
16:00 - 16:40Andrew CummingComposition gradients and convection in dense interiors: giant planets and white dwarfs
16:40 - 17:30Discussion, chair C. Guervilly

Wednesday 18 - Gravity waves (and associated problems)

09:30 - 10:10Kevin BelkacemGravity waves and induced transport of angular momentum in radiative interior of low-mass stars
10:10 - 10:50Arthur Le SauxStudying internal gravity waves in stellar interiors with fully compressible simulations
10:50 - 11:20Coffee break
11:20 - 12:00Daniel LecoanetGeneration and Propagation of Convectively Excited Gravity Waves
12:00 - 12:40Guillaume LaibeTopology for stars and discs pulsations
12:40 - 14:10Lunch
14:10 - 14:50Guillaume RoulletThe energetics of mixing in implicit large eddy simulations of oceanic flows
14:50 - 15:30Joel SommeriaFrom internal gravity waves to turbulence and mean flow generation
15:30 - 16:00Coffee break
16:00 - 16:40Discussion, chair D. Lecoanet
19:30Conference dinner

Thursday 19 - Beyond sphericity: deformation effects due to fast rotation

09:30 - 10:10Michel RieutordModelling Rapidly Rotating Star
10:10 - 10:50Thomas GuilletDirections and prospects for stellar hydrodynamics simulations with MUSIC
10:50 - 11:20Coffee break
11:20 - 12:00Thomas GastineNumerical models of rotating convection in spherical shells
12:00 - 12:40Benjamin FavierWall modes in rapidly-rotating convection: an experimental challenge solved by numerical simulations?
12:40 - 14:00Lunch
14:00 - 14:40Jerome NoirOn the effects of small scale topography in rotating fluid
14:40 - 15:20David CébronSimulations of non-spherical liquid cores of planets
15:20 - 15:50Coffee break
15:50 - 16:30Michael Le BarsTurbulence driven by tides and libration
16:30 - 17:20Discussion, chair J. Noir
17:20 - 17:30Concluding remarks, I. Baraffe